- 清空播放記錄
- 一翼孤行:迄今為止我看過最贊的美劇。結(jié)合當前的疫情,百感交集
- 悲傷砂糖汽水:深奧的簡潔;Living on a wall where everything is so simple for 19 days. we were going to miss this experience. 這電影和和#有熊谷守在的地方#一脈相承異曲同工心意相通,一個極靜,一個極動,一個方寸之間,一個縫隙之處,行行出狀元,各行業(yè)最頂尖的心性都是藝術(shù),最高的藝術(shù)境界意味著每個人只能以自己特有的方式全身心的投入:Focus and objective, breathe and practice, dream big and do small. Somebody less gracious than Tommy Cidwoll might have said,"I've got to go on without you". but he was committed to Kevin" we're doing this together" . And he wouldn't have been Tommy if he'd done it any other way. You have to do in your own way. you have to live in your own way. This is it, this makes you special.
- 漢桑姆.墾丁:病毒題材的美劇還算少見吧,還是蠻有看點的,可惜一季就被砍了,這種小格局的題材也確實很難拍很多季~總體來說是一部值得一看的迷你美劇~
- 玄商君的momo:還行吧 氣氛可以 劇情坑太多
- 老啊老蝴仙:第一次看這個系列,竟然有種奇怪的治愈感,可能是因為劇中的人物關(guān)系吧。