- 清空播放記錄
- 小十二:楊思敏真人間尤物,我見難忘
- 小蘭才露尖尖角:為了邱淑貞也值了!何況畫面那么美!!
- 月光石:動亂離家老大回, 興興轟轟在中國, 近鄉(xiāng)情怯八兩金, 船兒搖過春水去。 婚嫁一段配樂清商激揚宛若悲情城市
- 蒜蓉鹽焗雞: Rudy Baylor: Every lawyer, at least once in every case, feels himself crossing a line that he doesn't really mean to cross. It just happens, and if you cross it enough times it disappears forever. And then you're nothing but another lawyer joke, just another shark in the dirty water.
- 短尾巴小貓:以為是單純的風月片,但是拍出了很多正常的關于潘金蓮的作品中沒有的壓抑和悲涼,在書中金瓶梅是一個徹底被色欲牽引的惡毒女人,可片中卻將她無可奈何的處境描繪得很好,如果沒有那些橋段,確實是一部不得的佳作。單立文的西門慶真的絕了,男菩薩?。。?!