- 清空播放記錄


- 五月_MO: how I love David Cronenberg's style... So disconcerting & puzzling. He manages to find these interstices of strange reality, in which he further inserts fantasmagoric elements, without ever obliterating the principle of coherence or tearing apart the suspension of disbelief that has been firmly established. Every scene is calculated with preciseness, every little thing connects, foreshadows, explains, or deepens the plot. Enthralling atmosphere & foreboding music all along, up to the explosive finale and chilling last scene.
- 嚴賀:只覺得斯嘉麗好肥啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊
- 小麥: 如此新奇的概念竟然被謹慎地隱藏了起來,觀眾只能通過一兩個過度外化的符號看出端倪。而呈現方式又太cult了,怎么邪門怎么來。并不習慣柯南伯格的間歇性使壞。
- 洞穴里的關一帆:動作戲出彩,其他還是漫威流水線作風。漫威已經癡迷這種男男虐戀的情節(jié)了。
- 馬南沖:一開始還以為是心理療法引發(fā)了小孩子內心邪惡之類,看到后面。。。是我太幼稚了,對不起柯南伯格,可能是太久沒看他的心肝寶貝系列了總之一點心理準備都沒有,瞠目結舌了。推薦,但是也真的好惡心啊非常不建議飽腹后觀看。。。