- 清空播放記錄

- 細米:一臉偉光正的李冰冰是怪獸片女主,而趙文瑄居然老到演她爹了?
- 喵丫咪一凹:每個人都覺得我們有太多的事情需要去做,但是思想永遠要多過于行動。Araon做到了,并用行動證明他不會怨恨他只會讓這個世界變得更好。The world is changing.
- 喬兒:抽絲剝繭講故事 把所有怪談串在一起 將日式鬼故事其實是把觀眾帶入進去講每個人背后都是怪異根源的啊啊啊細思極恐
- 川桑的故事:"He got to where he was supposed to be going, and had the self-awareness and orneriness to realize that he had climbed the mountain of shit to pluck the single rose and discovered that he’d lost his sense of smell. And rather than sit there and insist that it wasn’t as bad as it seemed, he climbed down again, which is pretty cool."
- 等一碗餛飩吃:看前幾集覺得好好看,演的太棒了。越看越覺得這劇三觀有問題。同時在看作者的另一本書,原來是作者的問題。對不起蔣欣楊紫,你們的演技本來值得給五星的。