- 清空播放記錄
- 芒刺:劇情沒啥驚喜,但Artie太性感了!過分了!
- 某蛻:這就是個拳擊版的GANGSTA。賣個概念讓你感覺很硬核,骨子里屁都沒有。作畫在哪?幾個噪點就高潮了?幀數(shù)低的就差用靜止幀了。分鏡在哪?切鏡攝影一塌糊涂,還不如肉番干脆利落。劇情在哪?只會影分身的鳴人一拳把斑打成半身不遂?還特么致敬牛仔眼望丹迪呢,求求你們別惡心我了
- 已 住銷:這個ip+陣容牛逼,不過有點敏感,不知道刪減后怎樣,5月的天氣開始燥熱,票房應該不錯,預計總票房8億
- 蓮獅微歌:就沒人覺得編劇和原作者在玩弄我們的感情嗎??之前那么多關于85年兒童失蹤案的鋪墊是干什么的?主線又是什么??為什么Cassie跟死去的女生那么相似??尼瑪這兩個案子的破案過程十分鐘就能說完了吧!
- 一支野馬: redhead with a humble beginning confronted with the biggest most fabulous bully around, realizes that she’s behind all her misery, creates an elaborate revenge plan with help from her loyal friends, and becoming the villain along the way and having to apologize to said friends, all with a fire soundtrack. No I’m talking about Mean Girls.