- 清空播放記錄
- 郝志鵬:, the final.
- 阿溫:得說大家對王晶的寬容度是真的高,當年他導鹿鼎記時,敢讓陳近南這種正人君子大談革命不過是搶錢搶女人,25年后他拍九龍城寨和真正無法無天的英據時代,開始扛起愛國主義黑幫的大旗了。和曾經的癲狂肆意一起垮塌的,還有對女人的審美。豆豆到冬冬,是尤物到人妖的斷崖式退化。好在劉華修煉成功,真的帥
- 天彬天醬:全球疫情,編劇真的與時俱進
- 山貓十一:應該是小時候印象最深的劇之一了。里面的那種小浪漫遠比當時無法理解的神雕俠侶更讓人喜歡……
- 小碗吃不胖:不斷的提新冠和時事是敗筆,RIP 編劇之一Jas Waters,結尾驚了 // It's the tragedies that define our lives. They are the fence posts on which the rest of our lives hang. // Silence in the face of injustice is complicity with the oppressor. (Ginetta Sagan) // There are some love stories that are written in the stars, there are other love stories, they're written together. // you cannot disappoint me