- 清空播放記錄
- 抗世違世情:。比第一集髒話少很多,更通俗一點,世間觀也比較開闊。這次總算有一些經(jīng)典的X-Men出現(xiàn)……個幾秒鐘,不能多合作一點嗎!鋼人和兩位小女生別胡鬧了
- 青山好景: 再次確認馬利克的電影為圣經(jīng)電影,是給身處塵世的我們的洗禮。
- 從此消失在人海:蠻搞笑的,喜歡死侍成天扯天扯地的勁兒!
- 幻慟: film takes its title from the last sentence of Middlemarch by George Eliott:"... for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs."
- 哈尼~:幾年內觀感類似的片子有《弗朗西斯哈》《朱諾》《成長教育》等,羅南繼《布魯克林》之后再次出演少女的自我覺醒,不算特別,部分起承轉合依賴音樂,結尾處似乎看得到導演的猶豫,收尾收在了不經(jīng)意的一瞬,略草率。