- 清空播放記錄
- 西兮。:圣誕快樂。好他媽難看。
- 張雨羊:花了三十五分鐘左右寫了一個過于單純的人,把拿捏男人這件事拍的直白的像做菜,關鍵是人有這個命,總會順利終結,這點倒像邪典片最初的定義:拼接的劇情,產(chǎn)生迷狂的效果(指風月片)。
- 阿鴻:分,一位有躁郁癥的父親如何面對本已破碎的家庭,離開的伴侶、同樣躁郁的前妻、同居的女兒、獨居的母親。從無法表達自己的真實情感,只能瘋狂或是抑郁,到最后學會和自己和解,控制情緒。其實電影里的圣地亞哥恰好可以用原片名來描述,快愛上了,但想要完成最后的這一步表達對于躁郁的他卻很困難,于是只好懷著這顆流浪而壓抑的心在生活中四處碰壁,這個心結最終還是要靠自己來解。
- 每天一次:, surrealism & absurdism in a musty, shabby & filthy atmosphere. Many signs inaugurate early on the sheer queerness of whatever revolves around Barton Fink - his own madman's facial expressions, a pitiful & empty hotel, faint sounds that obsessessively bother only him, dubious characters & personalities in Hollywood. But the viewer can still hang in this mess, and somehow (with a little effort) make some sense of what's happening. It's only towards the last third that the increasing contradictions explode into no(n)-sense. The only - and cheap - way to read the movie would be that most of these irreconciliable scenes are in fact dreams or hallucinations. Disappointing.
- 辛樹芬:和前座走了不同的路線但同樣精致精彩,雖然猜出了一些劇情但全程還是酣暢淋漓 Daniel you sussy baka #TIFF