- 清空播放記錄


- 西切斯特房客:小時(shí)候被感動,好希望有這樣的愛情:fall in love with my best friend. 稍微大一點(diǎn),真的就照著這個幼稚的愛情概念去愛上一個人,跌了大跟頭。 再后來,類似狀況又出現(xiàn),才終于搞明白現(xiàn)實(shí)里這樣也是可以的,只不過Harry是個gay而已,并且一定never cross the line才行。臺詞功力一流,教材級。
- 舒文啊.: is how aids spread.
- 貝拉的鐵棍: meet someone, you have the safe lunch, you decide you like each other enough to move on to dinner. You go dancing, go back to her place, you have sex and the minute you're finished you wonder How long do I have to lie here and hold her before I can get up and go home?
- 冰糖葫蘆走大轍:片子里的接吻都好惡心...
- 上窮碧落小仙女:梅格瑞恩真是太甜了。when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.這臺詞我非常喜歡。|||20200928重看。過了9年再看,自己已成為更成熟的小女人,對片中的情緒起伏多了一點(diǎn)理解,人的情感可真微妙。|||20221005重看。每次都覺得還是肥腸闊愛!跟某人都很喜歡??